A few weeks ago we packed up half our house and a couple of tents, drove a few miles down the road and unpacked it, which to the kids is called a fun camping trip, to the parents is called what in the heck are we doing, we have a nice soft bed and air conditioning, like...right down that road!
But, in all honesty it is fun and tradition, so here are a few pics of our camping trip to the lake.
Canon doing some damage to an Oreo.

Isaac making his birthday wish. I cannot believe he is four years old!

Luis' burgers. They are the best, he has perfected a concoction that includes coffee and oats to name a few ingredients!

Little Miss Bella learned how to ride her bike without any training wheels! She was so excited and proud!

Dehring found this very interesting caterpillar. We have yet to look it up, but look forward to learning more about it.
Gant whizzing by on the bike!
Dehring and her friend Ella cooking breakfast before we went out on the boat for some boarding!
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